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Understanding How Medicare Covers Hip Replacement Surgery and Aftercare - Trusted Senior Specialists

04/10/2023 | 05:00 AM | 6 Min Read
Understanding How Medicare Covers Hip Replacement Surgery and Aftercare - Trusted Senior Specialists

Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure that Medicare covers. It is usually recommended for people who suffer from chronic hip pain, arthritis, or injuries. The surgery involves replacing the damaged part of the hip joint with an artificial one, allowing for increased mobility and reduced pain. In this article, we’ll explain how Medicare covers hip replacement surgery and aftercare.

How Medicare Covers Hip Replacement Surgery

Medicare Part A covers the cost of hip replacement surgery in a hospital setting. This includes:

  • Hospitalization
  • Surgeon fees
  • Anesthesia
  • Medical supplies and devices
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy

However, before the surgery, you must meet certain criteria to be eligible for Medicare coverage. Your doctor must determine that the surgery is medically necessary and that other treatments have not worked. You will also have to meet the deductible for Medicare Part A, which is $1,600 in 2023.

How Medicare Covers Aftercare

After the surgery, you will likely need rehabilitation and physical therapy to aid in your recovery. Medicare Part B covers these costs as long as they are deemed medically necessary by your doctor. This includes:

  • Outpatient physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Follow-up doctor visits
  • Medications related to the surgery

You will also have to pay the Part B deductible, which is $226 in 2023. After you meet the deductible, Medicare will cover 80% of the approved amount for your rehab services.

If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, your coverage may differ. It’s important to check with your plan provider to understand your coverage.

Hip replacement surgery can dramatically improve your quality of life by reducing pain and increasing mobility. Fortunately, Medicare covers most of the costs associated with the surgery and aftercare. However, you must meet certain criteria and pay deductibles before Medicare coverage kicks in. With the right coverage, you can enjoy a faster recovery and a better quality of life.

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