What is Medicare Supplement Plan F?
Medicare Supplement Plan F offers the most comprehensive basic benefits out of all Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policies. As a result of providing a complete benefits list, Medigap Plan F is often the most expensive plan option out of all other Medigap plans, yet it remains a popular choice among Medicare beneficiaries. Medigap Plan F leaves enrollees with minimal out-of-pocket expenses by covering the remainder of hospital and doctor costs after Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) has paid its portion.
Benefits of Medigap Plan F
The following is a list of costs and benefits covered by Medigap Plan F:

Part A deductible

Part A hospital and co-insurance costs up to an additional 356 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted

First three pints of blood used in an approved medical procedure (annually)

Part A hospice care co-payment or co-insurance

Part B deductible

Part B co-insurance or co-payment

Preventative care Part B coinsurance

Part B excess charges

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) co-insurance

Foreign Travel Emergency
Costs Associated with Medigap Plan F Coverage:
There is an additional high deductible Medigap Plan F option that requires beneficiaries to pay out-of-pocket expenses for the first $2,340 in 2020 before the plan will begin paying for coverage. This plan is a cheaper alternative to the standard Medigap Plan F, since the beneficiary is responsible for higher out-of-pocket costs from the start.
*As of January 1, 2020, people newly eligible for Medicare won’t be able to buy Medicare Supplement Plan F. If you bought a Medicare Supplement Plan F before January 2020, you can generally keep your coverage. Existing Medicare Supplement Plan F policies cannot be cancelled by an insurance company unless you fail to pay your premiums, you gave false information on your application, or the insurance company goes bankrupt.