What is Medicare Supplement Plan A?
Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Plan A is not the same as Medicare Part A.
But it is one of the Medicare Supplemental insurance plans available to Medicare beneficiaries.
Understanding Medicare Supplement Plan A Coverage
It is the most basic Medicare Supplement plan that covers:

Medicare Part A coinsurance payments up to an additional 365 days after Original Medicare benefits are exhausted

The first three pints of blood used in a medical procedure

Medicare Part B copayment or coinsurance expenses

Part A hospice care coinsurance expense or copayment
Medicare Supplement Plan A has the fewest individual benefits of the ten standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans available in most states.
Among the Medicare out-of-pocket costs not covered is the Part A deductible for inpatient hospital stays.
If a health insurance company offers Medigap coverage, then it must at least offer the basic Medigap Plan A and its benefits.