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Medicare Under 65

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Medicare Under 65

Medicare is a key source of health insurance for folks with disabilities who are under 65. You can get Medicare if you’re under age 65 and have:

Medicare under 65

Gotten Social Security Disability benefits for 24 months, or have

Renal Disease

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or

Cough (3)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also called “Lou Gehrig’s disease”)


About the Waiting Period

After a beneficiary is considered disabled, there’s a five-month waiting period before he or she starts to get Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). So, SSDI recipients have to wait 29 months before their Medicare benefits begin. 

People under 65 who are diagnosed with ESRD or ALS automatically qualify for Medicare without a waiting period. 


Medicare Under 65: Eligibility Requirements

For people with ESRD and ALS, here are the Medicare under 65 eligibility requirements:

  • ESRD  – Typically three months after regular dialysis starts or after a kidney transplant.
  • ALS – Immediately upon collecting Social Security Disability benefits. 

If you qualify for Social Security Disability, you’re auto-enrolled in Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). 

If you don’t qualify for Social Security Disability, you may purchase Medicare by paying monthly premiums for Parts A and B. 

Medicare Under 65

Why It's Important
Available Benefits
How to Enroll
Medicare Under 65-Importance

Why Medicare Under 65 Is Important

Younger beneficiaries may have crucial needs, depending on their disability. Unfortunately, disabled people often have lower incomes, need more health care, and have a more difficult time paying for care than older beneficiaries. People with disabilities are also more likely to have mental liabilities, poor health, and daily activity constraints. 


What Happens When You Turn 65?

When you turn 65, your Medicare coverage continues. 

Don’t let a disability keep you from getting the health insurance you need. For questions about Medicare under 65 or anything Medicare related, contact Trusted Senior Specialists at (844) 325-8710.